angelika kratzer
jan anderssen
(lab sessions) |
office hrs mtthf 11.30-1
email / webpage
office hrs m 1-2
email / webpage /  |
spring 2005
mwf 10.10 - 11
lab t 4 - 4.50 |
materials |
course info |
lab sessions |
week # (presentation dates) |
this week’s presentations |
pictures |
week 3 of presentations (5/9, 5/10) |
- Tuesday, 5/10:
- Jack
Freeing bound morphemes
- Monday, 5/9:
- Cory
Relative Clauses in Japanese
- Pamela
Language Comprenesion and Sentence Processing: A Tutorial on Ambiguity

week 2 of presentations (5/2, 5/3, 5/4, 5/6) |
- Friday, 5/6:
- Rhiannon
Orientational Metaphors
- David
Metaphoric Support for the NRC
- Wednesday, 5/4:
- Seth
Reduplicative & Rhythmic Contrastive Focus (A SALAD salad DAY after DAY)
- Amanda
Plurality in Japanese
- Tuesday, 5/3:
- Q
- Heather
Broken Plurals
- Monday, 5/2:
- Ginger
Counters for fictional entities
- Josh
Does language shape thought?
- Ryan
A closer look at mass nouns

week 1 of presentations (4/25, 4/62, 4/27, 4/29) |
- Friday, 4/29:
- Vanessa
Contrastive focus and trace
- Gregory
Informativeness, Intonation and Queclaratives
- Patrick
Question intonation in Mandarin Chinese
- Wednesday, 4/27: Take-Home 3 Q&A
- Tuesday, 4/26:
- Gillian
Causative Constructions
- Lisa
Light or Heavy Verbs
- Monday, 4/25:
- Sarah
Exception Phrases
- Brian
Quantification and Anaphora
